Murray’s Story

Blood Pressure Health | PreCardix® Reviews

Murray had struggled with  blood pressure control since his mid 20’s, and with a long family history of  blood pressure issues and cardiovascular disease, he takes his health seriously. For over 20 years, Murray took prescription medication to regulate his blood pressure. Unfortunately, this came with some devastating side effects. Murray struggled with low libido, frequent dizzy spells, weight gain, fatigue, and generally feeling unwell. Despite these adverse effects, he tried to improve his health through diet, physical activity, walking, hiking with friends and gardening, and supplementation. Unfortunately, none of these interventions seemed to do much for his blood pressure.

Nine months ago, Murray was introduced to PreCardix®, and after reading the positive reviews, he decided to try it*. In a peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, the bioactive marine peptides in PreCardix® were effective for 89% of adults in eight weeks or less compared to baseline, without serious side effects.  Within the first fifteen days, Murray’s blood pressure improved and eventually stabilized at a healthy level.

What is Murray’s favourite thing about PreCardix®? “No more side effects!” His libido has returned, he no longer experiences dizzy spells, and his overall sense of health and wellbeing has improved dramatically. At 53 years old, Murray’s blood pressure is the best it has been since his teens.

Important Information

Always consult with your healthcare provider before making changes to your blood pressure management plan. PreCardix® does not treat, cure, or prevent medical conditions. Measure and monitor blood pressure regularly. Know the signs of heart attack and stroke.

Do not take PreCardix® if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have renal artery stenosis, have a history of angioneurotic edema, or have a shellfish allergy. Consult product guidelines for additional information. Print and share the product monograph with your healthcare provider.

PreCardix® is an innovation of Marealis Inc. a Norwegian Bio-Tech company dedicated to finding natural, sustainable, and effective marine-based solutions for blood pressure health, globally. Designed in Norway. Manufactured in North America.

Customer Review Disclosure

This testimonial is based on the individual experience of a PreCardix® customer, and is not intended to replace the advice of a health care provider. Always consult with your health care provider before making changes to your blood pressure management plan. PreCardix® does not treat, cure or prevent medical conditions. Measure and monitor blood pressure regularly. Know the signs of heart attack and stroke. Do not take PreCardix® if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have renal artery stenosis, history of angioneurotic edema or shellfish allergy.

Proper Use of Precardix®

Determine baseline blood pressure. Take two tablets of PreCardix® once daily, preferably away from food. Allow up to eight weeks to achieve desired results. Continue to take daily to maintain results. Measure and monitor blood pressure weekly using the PreCardix® blood pressure management app. Compare week eight results to baseline blood pressure. Every 2mmHg improvement in blood pressure has a positive effect on health. If, for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with your results after taking PreCardix® as directed for eight weeks, we will provide a full refund for up to two months of product (2 x 60) tablets. Please contact us at for your refund options.

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